A full list of all Todoist updates – from big improvements to obscure bug fixes – updated weekly. Made possible by your ideas and bug reports. Thank you! 🙏
Looking for just the big, exciting stuff? 👉 See all new features
(Like, did you see that we now have Deadlines in Todoist? 🎯🎉)
January 31, 2025
- ⭐ Thanks to Carrie, you'll now see a helpful message when trying to drag tasks in a sorted view.
- ⭐ The app is looking more cohesive with refreshed color styles from Olga. 💅
- ⭐ Keep work and personal calendars separate with a new toggle from Pedro S. that controls event visibility for each account.
- ⭐ Discover calendar features more easily with a new tooltip in Today view, courtesy of Prateek.
- 🐛 A better onboarding experience arrives with proper profile picture placeholders, implemented by Carrie.
- 🐛 Calendar view gets a visual upgrade with consistently grey deadline icons, thanks to Olga.
- 🐛 That mysterious crash related to DataChanged events? Carrie tracked it down and fixed it.
- 🐛 The calendar view is now cleaner with Olga's update to remove deadline icons for tasks if they're due on another date.
- 🐛 Your notification settings now have better default visibility after an update from Olga.
- 🐛 No more crashes in Item Details during full sync, thanks to a fix from Rasto.
- ⭐ Switching calendar event visibility is now a breeze with a new settings toggle from Erik.
- ⭐ Calendar Settings got a fresh look with a new visibility toggle icon (or as we like to call it, an eye-con 👀) from Erik.
- ⭐ Want to reference or build upon existing filters? Now you can copy queries from a filter if it's not editable, thanks to Andris.
- ⚙️ The task sync calendar in settings got a design refresh from Erik.
- ⚙️ Your feedback helped shape Hiroki's improvements to the tooltip views UI.
- 🐛 Search results now properly update when tasks are completed or uncompleted, thanks to Erik.
- 🐛 Search is more reliable with Andris's fix for results updating when you adjust your query.
- 🐛 Tooltip views now have a more consistent look with unified icons from Hiroki.
- 🐛 The inbox is cleaner now that Paul K. removed unnecessary template-related menu items.
- 🐛 You'll no longer see the deprecated filter term banner where you shouldn't, thanks to Paul K.'s update.
January 24, 2025
Web, macOS, Windows, Linux
- ⭐ Ernesto introduced a toggle in Calendar settings to show or hide your calendar events in Today and Upcoming views with the Google Calendar integration.
- 🐛 Francesca corrected horizontal scrolling in the Today calendar layout.
- 🐛 Rui addressed link styling inconsistencies across the app, with more improvements coming soon.
- 🐛 Thanks to
key orfn + →
on Mac) only works when it makes sense, so not when you’re in Quick Add.
Paul O., the shortcut to scroll to the end of a list (in case you’re wondering: the - 🐛 He also fixed an issue preventing name edits on archived sections in the board layout, resolving sync errors.
- ⚙️ Paul O. then added a 200ms delay to the task hovercard in Today’s calendar layout to improve viewability.
- ⚙️ Lastly, Paul O. updated the grouping of tasks with deadlines but no dates to ensure they’re not forgotten, mirroring iOS and Android behavior.
- 🐛 Kris ensured manual sorting is disabled when automatic sorting is active in Today.
- 🐛 Olga fixed a crash that was happening when scrolling in the calendar layout.
- 🐛 She also ensured that when you cancel the comment editor with unsaved changes, you’ll be reminded to save if you want to.
- ⚙️ Afzal improved widget styling and added clear descriptions.
- ⚙️ With Witold’s help, calendars and events are now available almost immediately when linking a calendar account with the Calendar integration.
- 🐛 Paul K. ensured deadlines are now respected when sorting by date.
- ⭐️ And thanks to Paul K., assignees’ avatars are now displayed in large and extra-large widgets.
January 16, 2025
Web, macOS, Windows, Linux
- ⭐ If you’re using long label names that get truncated in a task list, you can now hover over them, and a tooltip with the full label name will appear. All thanks to Dawid!
- 🐛 Rui fixed some inconsistency with the behavior of cards that appear when you hover on a task in calendar views.
- 🐛 He also fixed a formatting issue in the activity log of tasks in a workspace (when a Markdown link was added to the task’s name).
- ⭐ Clicking on a folder in the navigation screen of a workspace will collapse/expand the folder. An update care of Sergey 🙏
- 🐛 Pedro S. fixed a crash that was happening when refreshing calendar events.
- 🐛 The scheduler for deadlines was showing overlapping text, but not anymore thanks to Carrie!
- 🐛 Olga fixed the scheduler so that the correct time zone is shown as selected when you tap the time zone button.
- 🐛 The board view of a filter behaved differently between the web and Android apps. Rasto fixed the bug causing this one!
- 🐛 And Olga also fixed the sorting in Today view when a deadline and date are both set for tasks.
- 🐛 Paul K. fixed an intermittent crash that was happening when opening the app.
- 🐛 Nolan added accessibility labels in the Task Details screen of the WatchOS app so it can better support, for example, voiceover.
- 🐛 Paul K. also made some tweaks to ensure the deadlines icon stays crisp no matter the font size.
- 🐛 And in another font-related fix, Erik corrected the indentation of bullets and lists at certain text sizes.
- 🐛 Enric brought back the “Sort” button in the workspace overview screen.
- 🐛 He also redesigned the calendar settings screen to provide more helpful information about connecting your calendars. 🤗
January 10, 2025
📣 New: Add deadlines to tasks
After years of receiving thoughtful feedback and oftentimes passionate, !!!-filled requests, we’re starting 2025 by launching one of our most-requested features ever: Deadlines in Todoist. 🥳 Learn more about how they work here.
Web, macOS, Windows, Linux
- 🐛 Thanks to Ernesto, editing a project name immediately after duplicating it now works as expected.
- ⚙️ He also enabled adding or removing a project from favorites directly through the project’s context menu in the workspace overview.
- 🐛 Craig got rid of a bug that caused the app to crash when dragging a task from the bottom to the top of a column in board layout.
- ⚙️ We waved goodbye to macOS 10.15 support; it’s off to greener pastures – or wherever operating systems go to relax.
- ⚙️ We’ve made some updates to our payment methods:
- 🇨🇭 Swiss users can now enjoy the convenience of web payments in Swiss francs (CHF).
- 🇧🇪 Bancontact is now available for EUR payments for Belgian users.
- 🐛 Carrie resolved an issue where the ‘clear locations’ setting failed to properly remove saved locations for location reminders.
- 🐛 She also took care of a crash that sometimes occurred when discarding failed updates.
- 🐛 And thanks to Carrie, tasks with a deadline but no date now properly appear in the Upcoming view.
- 🐛 Lastly, Carrie fixed an issue where customized navigation bar settings would reset after logging out.
- 🐛 Anthony successfully fixed a critical bug that was causing the app to crash.
January 6, 2025
Web, macOS, Windows, Linux
- 🐛 Previously, if you left Todoist open in Today or Upcoming view and came back the next day, the view wouldn't update the current date. Pawel’s fix makes sure you’ll always start your day with an up-to-date task list.
- 🐛 Thanks to Frankie, submenus such as “Apply my template” will now open either on the left or the right when there’s available space, instead of at the bottom.
- 🐛 Pedro A. added extra padding to task list content to avoid clipping italic words.
- 🐛 Completed parent tasks will now be shown correctly as a breadcrumb in the task detail view.
- 🐛 Frankie fixed an issue with an Italian filter query (“spazio di lavoro:”) that was returning empty results.
- 🐛 Pasting multiple lines of text into a board view created tasks that were out of order. Frankie also tackled this one. 💪
- 🐛 He also fixed a bug that erroneously displayed
instead of a number when viewing certain notifications in Asian languages. - 🐛 Frankie fixed a bug where you are sometimes unable to remove the first added reminder when creating or editing a task.
- 🐛 And lastly, Frankie fixed a bug where the Upcoming view would only show uncompleted tasks when there are uncompleted tasks in the same day section.
- 🐛 Carrie removed unnecessary animation that happened when adding to a long list of comments on a task.
- 🐛 Afzal fixed completed task ordering when sorting by deadline.
- 🐛 Afzal also axed an unnecessary message that was shown in empty projects (“No completed tasks in this project”).
- 🐛 When a user was removed from a workspace, but remained a guest collaborator, a project could show up in a user’s “My Projects” list. When they then try to make changes to it a sync error occurred because they shouldn’t have access to the project. Nolan fixed this!
- ⚙️ Witold updated the tint of the deadline icon in a completed task to match the faded style of other elements.
- 🐛 Thanks to Enric, when you drag the add task button to create a task in a specific location, the list will now scroll along with the newly added tasks while Quick Add is opened.
- 🐛 Adding a task to an empty label did not update the list of tasks. Until now.
- ⚙️ Paul K. added a banner that will show above Filter results if you’re using any deprecated filter terms in your Filters, which terms are affected, and what you can use to replace them.
- 🐛 Paul K. also fixed an issue where tasks that spanned multiple days would only appear on the first day when viewed in 3-day calendar view.
- 🐛 Nolan hid non-responsive “More Actions” button from Quick Add when using the Share Extension and all actions are already displayed.
- 🐛 Enric fixed the time getting cropped in the calendar’s time column for some users depending on their device’s language and region.
- 🗓️ Witold fixed an issue in Week layout where tasks spanning multiple days could have their duration shortened when moved in the calendar. Tasks now retain their total duration.
- ⚙️ He also improved task accessibility labels in all layouts to include task’s “completed” status.
- 🐛 The Share Extension was not using the app-specific language when parsing dates, but Erik made things right. 💪
December 12, 2024
Web, macOS, Windows, Linux
- ⭐️ Seva added an option to keep Todoist running in the tray for Ubuntu.
- ⚙️ He also made several tweaks to lower the memory consumption of Todoist for Desktop.
- 🐛 There was a funny (not funny haha, funny weird) bug where dragging a section and pressing
would cause all sections in the view to disappear until you reloaded the page. Paweł has now fixed this issue.
- 🐛 Carrie solved an issue that was preventing a small group of users from upgrading.
- ⚙️ Sergey updated the logic for determining initials in the default avatar image.
- 🐛 Thanks to Nolan, a project will no longer appear in the project list if you delete it while your device is offline.
- 🐛 With Erik’s fix, quickly tapping multiple tasks in a row will now mark all of them as completed.
- 🐛 After the
banner disappears, you can shake the device to show it again if the action was not triggered. The problem is that we also showed the banner even if the action could not be undone (for example, when the task was deleted). Enric ensured that theUndo
banner will now only reappear if the action is still reversible. - 🐛 Enric also fixed an issue so that the Add Task widget now opens Quick Add as intended.
December 5, 2024
Web, macOS, Windows, Linux
- 🐛 Previously, we would not recognize natural language within bold or italicized text. This has now been fixed, thanks to Paweł.
- ⭐ Olga updated the illustrations shown in the upgrade carousel. 💅
- 🐛 An incorrect error message was shown when opening comment attachments. No more, thanks to Carrie.
- 🐛 Pedro S. attempted a fix for multiple deletions of the same project. 🤞
- 🐛 Olga fixed a crash in the scheduler.
- 🐛 Julia fixed a bug causing infinite loading when opening a comment link.
- 🐛 For a time, you were able to action sub-tasks (complete, reorder) that weren’t supposed to be actionable. In places like Template previews or archived projects. Sergey put a stop to that.
- 🐛Tapping the Tasks widget was not opening the correct view inside the app. Fixed! Care of Enric.
- 🐛 He also made some tweaks to Quick Add so that the “Discard” sheet is not shown after adding a task when the content was initially set (e.g. from the Add Task widget.
- 🐛 If a user had a particularly long name, it would overlap the “More” button in comments. This was not ideal, for obvious reasons, so Enric fixed this too. 💪
- 🐛 Clearly Enric is on fire. He also added support for adding task duration when rescheduling multiple tasks.
- 🐛 Tweaks were made so that duration is parsed when Due is set outside of the text field.
- 🐛 Hiroki bumped the Dateist version to v1.3.3 to fix minor issues related to Dateist (in Japanese and Finnish).
- 🐛 Links provided by the REST API were opening tasks in “read-only” mode. Unhelpful. Anthony with the fix!
November 28, 2024
📣 New: Sync all-day tasks to Google Calendar too
Now you can also sync all-day tasks to Google Calendar! Do your time-blocking in GCal, and see your schedule sync back to Todoist in no time. 🏎️ Find out more here.
Web, macOS, Windows, Linux
- ⚙️ Thanks to Paweł, you’ll now get a heads-up that you need an internet connection to invite collaborators, avoiding those failed offline invitations.
- 🐛 Ricardo did some tweaking to ensure that project/section IDs are handled better in the project picker.
- 🐛 Francesca figured out one of the unknown errors that “happened while loading data…” and fixed it, resulting in fewer errors when moving tasks.
- ⚙️
no longer scrolls the background view to the bottom of the task list.
Scott improved Quick Add by disabling scrolling while adding a task, ensuring that pressing
- 🐛 Carrie resolved an issue preventing team members from joining projects.
- ⚙️ Location reminders are now sorted alphabetically, thanks to Julia, making it easier to find what you need.
- ⚙️ Witold made some tweaks to resolve some scrolling issues in the agenda layout.
- ⚙️ Nolan implemented a safeguard to prevent users from leaving a private Team project if they’re the last collaborator with full access, avoiding potential sync errors.
- 🐛 Only 10 days since joining us, and Erik is off to a flying start! He fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when deleting a recent search item from the search view.
- 🐛 Recurring tasks with multiple due dates, like “Go to the gym ev Tue, Thu,” were temporarily not working. Everything’s now back in order, thanks to Enric.
November 22, 2024
Web, macOS, Windows, Linux
- ⚙️ Ernesto added a handy warning to let you know if the same email address has been added more than once when inviting people to a project.
- 🐛 Previously, tasks and projects containing “tmp” in their name wouldn’t load. That just wouldn’t do, so Pawel fixed it.
- ⭐ Afzal made a tweak so that a dragged item will show as soon as you start dragging, instead of only as it’s moved. 💅
- 🐛 Carrie fixed a crash related to invalid view options settings.
- 🐛 On Wear OS, projects in Calendar layout were starting from last year. Not anymore, thanks to Afzal!
- 🐛 Prateek updated the icon for editing a project.
- 🐛 Julia fixed a crash that was happening on the login screen when the window size was changed in split-screen mode.
- 🐛 Pedro S. fixed a crash that cropped up in some cases when showing reminders.
- 🐛 And Carrie fixed another crash that was caused by an obsolete timezone being sent via the Google Calendar integration.
- 🐛 Carrie also tweaked the color of promo dialog buttons in dark mode.
- 🐛 Pedro S. fixed a sync error that happened when you left a workspace project.
- 🐛 Sergey updated a link we were using in a workspace upgrade screen that led to nowhere. 👻
- ⭐ When assigning a task in a public workspace project, all workspace members are shown as potential assignees in the autocomplete suggestions. 👈 This is how it works in Quick Add, so Nolan has now smoothed things out when you’re doing this from the task details screen.
- ⭐ The badge that indicates a feature is behind the paywall is now an orange star, rather than the text PRO or UPGRADE. Thanks to Paul K.!
- 🗓️ Witold fixed an issue where the Week layout would unexpectedly scroll back to the current date upon completing a task.
- 🗓️ While he was at it, Witold increased the height of all-day entries in the Week layout so they’re easier to interact with. 🌈
- 🐛 Enric removed the big empty space that crept into the bottom of a task’s description.
- 🐛 We were missing a translation for the “unrecognized symbol” error message, but not anymore (also thanks to Enric!)
November 14, 2024
Web, macOS, Windows, Linux
- ⭐️
on Windows to toggle full screen mode.
Seva added an option to use - ⭐️ With help from Frankie, we’ve now labeled tasks, sub-tasks, and calendar events for use with accessibility assistive technologies.
- 🐛 Ernesto made sure that dates are preserved when you adjust the time of multiple tasks at once.
- 🐛 He also sorted out the issue that was causing sections to pop up twice when you un-archived them.
- ⚙️ When a label view ends up with no tasks because of filtering, sorting, or grouping, you’ll now see the “Add Task” button so you can quickly add one. Courtesy of Frankie.
- 🐛 Thanks to Pedro, dragging tasks between days in project, filter, or label views in the calendar layout now works consistently.
- 🐛 Carrie fixed a crash that some of you experienced when trying to open an attachment.
- 🐛 And Julia took care of a rare crash that occurred when dragging a task in the board layout.
- 🐛 We weren’t enforcing the character limit for comments (a whopping 15.000!), which caused sync errors if you exceeded it. All fixed now, thanks to Enric’s intervention.
- 🐛 He also fixed a crash that occurred when resetting more than 30 sub-tasks after completing their recurring parent task.
- 🐛 Enric also ensured that completing tasks with VoiceOver is now fully functional in the board layout as well.
- 🐛 Changing the section of a task in Today was not updating the task attribute displayed. It does now, thanks to – you guessed it – Enric. 💪
November 8, 2024
Web, macOS, Windows, Linux
- 🐛 On Chrome for Windows, you might have noticed choppy scrolling in the app sidebar. That’s now solved, thanks to Pedro!
- 🐛 Rui fixed the “learn more” links on modals shown in workspaces so they now open in a new tab.
- 🐛 Rasto fixed a crash in the Activity Log when loading multiple pages.
- 🐛 And Julia fixed another in Quick Add (when a model id is changed).
- 🐛 Kris corrected the due date color shown after multi-selecting and deselecting tasks.
- 🐛 Olga worked some magic to prevent a crash from happening when opening the scheduler.
- 🐛 The app will now fallback to today’s date if date picker state is not available thanks to Afzal.
- 🐛 Carrie added a potential fix for another crash (related to saving the state of a user’s plan) 🤞
- 🐛 In a recent update you were able to add the Inbox as a favorite, but that’s not allowed (because it breaks things). So Enric fixed it. 🥳
October 31, 2024
📣 New: Sync tasks to Google Calendar
Manage your time-blocked Todoist to-dos more efficiently by syncing those tasks directly to your Google Calendar – available on all plans! Find out how to sync and reschedule your tasks from Google Calendar here.
Web, macOS, Windows, Linux
📣 New on web & desktop: Plan sidebar now also in Upcoming 🗓️
Quickly put together and adjust your daily schedule with the Plan sidebar, available in the calendar layout in Today – and now in Upcoming too! It keeps all your overdue, all-day, and time-blocked tasks in view alongside your calendar, so you can make sure nothing slips through the cracks. Get a quick tour of the Plan sidebar by Heather.
- ⭐ ️ Want to duplicate a task while looking at its detail view? All with the command menu (⌘ / Ctrl + K)? Trick or treat, you can now do exactly that thanks to Henning. 🎃
- ⚙️ Henning also re-ordered the smart scheduler suggestions to be chronological. Next weekend now comes after next week, which makes sense.
- ⚙️ Frankie made sure that setting your daily and weekly goals to 0 will now hide your streak- information. Want to see them again? Just set a new goal!
- ⚙️ He also made sure that, after the last collaborator leaves or is removed from your team project, they’ll no longer show up in the project’s Share menu.
- Then
- 🐛 When inviting a new member to a workspace project, they would sometimes first appear as a guest. Now, their correct role is always displayed.
- 🐛The task comment editor now sticks with your cursor as you add new lines, so it doesn't disappear off-screen.
Frankie proceeded to squash some bugs:
- 🐛 Rui tackled the see-through sidebar issue that occurred when the Todoist desktop app was resized to mini view and out of focus.
- 🐛 Rui also fixed the shadow behind the Quick Add window on desktop.
- ⚙️ Thanks to Afzal, you can now clearly see the ✓ check mark when you complete a task on Wear OS.
- ⚙️ He made sure that the calendar now moves in increments of 3 days, so you won’t get lost when swiping left and right.
- ⚙️ Dragging an all-day task to the calendar is now a smoother experience, keeping the current time slots in view instead of automatically scrolling to the top.
Afzal also made some improvements in the calendar layout:
- 🐛 Kris fixed an issue so now when you change the theme, the right colors show up everywhere in the app.
- 🐛 Pedro solved a crash that sometimes occurred when completing a sub-task.
- ⚙️ Thanks to Carrie, if your daily and weekly goals are set to 0, streak information won’t show up in your Productivity view.
- ⚙️ Carrie also spruced up the icons in the templates gallery and fine-tuned button colors in the View menu for a polished look.
- ⚙️ Adding tasks is now disabled when previewing projects or templates.
- ⚙️ He added the shared icon to make it easier to identify shared projects from the navigation menu.
- 🐛 The restricted icon is no longer cut off by team projects with lengthy names.
Sergey’s recent fixes help to add more clarity in the app:
- 🐛 When you use Voice Over, tapping the rows in the Browse tab will now always mention the content of the row, not just the number of tasks.
- ⚙️ Quick Add will now pick up on durations written in English (like “for 1 hour”), even if you’ve set your Todoist to another language.
- ⚙️ If your daily and weekly goals are set to 0, streak information won’t show up in your Productivity view.
- ⚙️ Documents now keep their original file name when shared with Todoist.
- 🐛 Sometimes, when you opened a comment through an email notification from Todoist, it would only let you read it without an option to reply. Now you can jump right in and respond in the app.
Enric has been in full swing this week, making multiple tweaks and upgrades across the app:
- ⚙️ Thanks to Nolan, all team members will now show up in autocomplete suggestions, making it easier to assign tasks to teammates who haven’t joined the project yet.
- ⚙️ Andris made it easy to add (or remove) a project, label, or filter to your favorites by simply tapping the three dots icon.
- ⭐️ Witold upgraded the week calendar layout so you can now create multiple tasks at once by pasting multi-line text.
- 🐛 He also fixed the incorrect placement of the current time indicator on days with non-standard 24-hour lengths, like during daylight saving transitions.
October 24, 2024
📣 New: filter for Uncompletable tasks
You can now use the Uncompletable
query in filters to track down all of your uncompletable tasks. Learn more about the nuts and bolts of Filters here!
Web, macOS, Windows, Linux
- 🐛 Ricardo fixed an issue so now the sidebar visibility state is separate between browser and extensions.
- 🐛 Frankie fixed an issue that caused project and task comments to be hidden from view. Heads up: after updating to this version, you may need to re-login into the app to display your comments again.
- 🐛 The download button on your image attachments in the desktop app works again. 💾 Thanks Henning!
- ⭐ Sergey added a favorite/unfavorite toggle to the context menus for Filters, Labels, and Projects.
- ⭐ Thanks to Afzal, the status of a calendar account is now shown on the Calendar settings screen.
- ⭐ Olga added the ability to sort completed tasks in search by the date they were completed. ✅
- 🐛 Kris fixed a crash that was happening for missing projects.
- 🐛 Sergey fixed another crash that was caused when clicking the “Browse Templates” message on an archived or preview project.
- 🐛 Carrie fixed yet another crash that happened when a project is deleted in Quick Add.
- 🐛 Carrie also tackled a crash in the Templates Gallery that happened when tapping a category and a template at the same time.
- 🐛 The date picker was missing in Upcoming 😱. Now it’s not. 😅 Another shout out to Carrie!
- 🐛 Adding new comments to archived, template and preview tasks was possible, but it shouldn’t have been. Sergey in with the fix. 👏
- 🐛 Remember the crash from clicking on “Browse Templates”? Well, thanks to Sergey, we don’t show “Browse Templates” on archived or preview projects any more. 🧹
- 🐛 Sergey also fixed the Manage projects/filters/labels screen so it shows the latest and greatest data.
- 🐛 Kris added a hotfix and extra logging for a crash in the calendar OAuth flow.
- 🐛 Rasto fixed a mysterious crash that happened when attaching audio in comments.
- 🐛 Carrie fixed a crash when closing Quick Add.
- 🐛 And Julia fixed one, last crash that happened when rotating a device with the Today view open.
- 🐛 Enric tweaked the workspace invitation action from “Join” to “Accept”.
- 🐛 Dismissing Quick Add after adding a task with a description will no longer ask the user to confirm discarding changes.
- 🐛 Hiroki fixed an issue where a filter would return empty if query has escaped parentheses.
- 🐛 He also fixed an issue where labels which include &, ,, ( or ) weren’t showing any tasks.
- 🐛 Did you notice that the code block background color was incorrect in dark mode? Fixed, thanks to Enric!
- 🐛 And we’ll finish up on an FYI related to recent changes in iOS 18: we’ve dropped iOS 16 support for Shortcuts Actions.
October 17, 2024
Web, macOS, Windows, Linux
📣 New: Multi-Window and Float on Top for Desktop 🖥️
Multi-window support is ready for action on our desktop apps. And, along with it, a delectable Float on Top option to keep your most important window right where it needs to be. Read all about it.
- ⭐️ Task reminder notifications now include the due date and time of the task. Special thanks to Scott for the reminder!
- ⭐️ You can now assign multiple tasks at once, even when they’re selected from different projects, thanks to Ernesto.
- 🐛
button could not be used after typing a person’s name when inviting them to a project.
Frankie fixed an issue where the - 🐛 Pedro A. resolved the issue of duplicated tasks being created when adding a sub-task from the task view.
- 🐛 Markdown block quotes in task descriptions and comments are functioning correctly again, with credit to Ricardo.
- ⭐️ With Sergey’s help, new team members will now see all available projects in the workspace overview, even if they haven’t joined any yet. Previously, the overview was filtered by “joined” projects, leaving you feeling like you’d shown up to a party only to find an empty room!
- ⭐️ Swedish users can now add task dates using the
format, thanks to Carrie’s efforts. - 🐛 Carrie also resolved a bug that was causing the templates gallery to crash.
- 🐛 Afzal fixed a crash issue that occurred when scrolling horizontally through the calendar layout.
- ⭐️ Thanks to Andris, you can now use the ‘Search’ action in Shortcuts to easily find specific text in Todoist.
October 10, 2024
Web, macOS, Windows, Linux
- 🐛 Pedro A. made it possible to invite users to a project, even if their email is typed in ALL CAPS.
- 🐛 Previously, if your saved template uses the calendar layout, its preview would not properly show the calendar. A Frankie Fix™.
- ⭐️ Frankie also renamed the sections of the Plan sidebar to make it crystal clear what they mean. 🔮
- 🐛 And fixed a bug in our browser extensions that caused certain menus to be cut off due to the lack of space.
- ⭐ Rasto hid empty upcoming day sections on Wear devices.
- ⭐ He also improved the error screen layout on Wear and scrolling by default to the first item in a view.
- ⭐ Carrie added error messages so you get feedback if something goes wrong when saving a template.
- ⭐ Carrie also made it possible to show project folders in Workspace Setup Template previews.
- 🐛 Julia fixed a crash that was happening during migrations of their id’s to a new version.
- 🐛 Pedro S. fixed another crash that was happening when adding tasks using Quick Add.
- 🐛 The app wasn’t updating to the latest User Settings right after logging in. It is now, thanks to Sergey!
- 🐛 It’s all in the details. 🧐 Carrie made some tweaks to the spacing between highlights in Quick Add to polish things up.
- 🐛 Rasto fixed a rare issue where the due date of a task was being cut off. ✂️
- ⭐ Control Center Controls. 💅 Andris polished-up the icons used for our
- ⭐ Enric added alternative app icons to support the light, dark, and tint variants on iOS 18. 🌈
- ⭐ Andris also massively improved the appearance of content from your Todoist content when it appears in Spotlight search results. It’s now much easier to see if you’re looking at a task, project, label, etc. right from the list of results. 🔍
- 🐛 Did you know you can drag the Quick Add button to the bottom left corner of the screen to add a new section? Well, the keyboard is supposed to pop-up when you do that. It wasn’t. Now it does! Thanks to Enric.
- 🐛 Andris fixed some performance issues we were having with watch face complications (in tech speak: the recomputation logic was causing crashes in some cases).
October 3, 2024
Web, macOS, Windows, Linux
- 🐛 Thanks to Pedro A., previews of templates with a calendar layout have been restored in the templates gallery.
- 🐛 Ricardo fixed an issue where navigation with the up/down arrow keys would break after dismissing an autocomplete suggestion in the task editor.
- 🐛 Some of you encountered a pesky blank screen when clicking on a project in the desktop app. Thanks to Frankie’s swift intervention, the issue has been resolved.
- 🐛 Ever clicked on a label of a sub-task in the task detail view, only to completely break your Todoist? Henning fixed that.
Following some tuning and polishing by
Sergey, Todoist for Android is now even better:- ⚙️ He adjusted the background color of tasks in the board layout, making it clear which tasks you’ve selected when choosing multiple.
- 🐛 He resolved an issue that caused the app to crash when moving a task below
+n completed tasks
in the board layout. - 🐛 He also worked on some issues we were having with tasks with an
ev N hour
recurrence. - 🐛 And finally, he addressed a crash that occurred when adjusting the timing of notifications in Settings.
- ⭐️ Andris implemented new actions for the Shortcuts app: Find Projects, Find Team Workspaces, and Find Tasks.
- 🐛 Thanks to Enric, completing a task via the Tasks widget will no longer cause the app to crash.
September 26, 2024
Web, macOS, Windows, Linux
- ⚙️ Francesca updated the calendar so that when rescheduling tasks without a duration, the default duration is no longer added if you’re in a monthly calendar layout.
- ⚙️ Frankie made sure that when entering a task name, any dates placed in parentheses will no longer be treated as due dates.
- 🐛 Rui fixed an issue where crashes sometimes occurred when quitting the desktop apps.
- 🐛 He also got rid of a flashing white screen that appeared during the loading of Quick Add on desktop.
- ⭐ Tasks now change color when you drag them across the calendar, making it clearer and easier to organize your schedule.
- ⚙️ He made some tweaks to improve the vertical alignment of items in the calendar layout.
- 🐛 He also fixed a bug where the “Today” button became unresponsive after scrolling ahead in the Upcoming calendar layout.
Kris worked on calendar this week:
- 🐛 Sergey stepped in and fixed a bug that occasionally made the app throw a tantrum when you added a task with a duration. Crisis averted – your tasks can now have all the time they need without causing chaos.
- 🐛 The celebratory message for reaching Inbox Zero temporarily forgot to include your name. Thanks to Sergey, personalized cheers are back – keep up the great work! 🎊
- ⚙️ Thanks to Hiroki, you no longer have to confirm when discarding an empty Quick Add by tapping outside of it. If you haven’t typed or changed anything and want to close it, you can now do so instantly.
- ⚙️ Enric cleaned up the calendar layout in Chinese, by removing the unnecessary word “日” that was displayed by each date.
- ⚙️ Enric also made sure that content of the Tasks widget is no longer cut off on some iPhone devices.
- 🐛 Some of you experienced a bug that caused completed tasks to come back and briefly reappear in your lists. Thanks to Anthony, there are no more ghost tasks haunting your to-do list! 🎃✨
September 19, 2024
📣 New: Free Reminders for All! ⏰
Basic reminders are now available to everyone, helping you effortlessly stay on top of your tasks without any cost. Simply set a due time, and you’ll receive timely notifications to keep you on track during busy times. Find out more.
Web, macOS, Windows, Linux
- 🐛 Undoing a recurring task completion while offline could, under some circumstances, not correctly revert the recurring task due date. This is now fixed thanks to Valente.
- 🐛 Time for celebration: Henning fixed goal celebrations so they show project names correctly again. 🎊
- ⭐ Rasto made a bunch of updates for Todoist on Wear OS. Specifically, for larger-screen devices: support for a Shortcut complication, a better experience when viewing lists of tasks, and an update to the typography in the Progress view.
- 🐛 Afzal fixed a crash that was happening when you log out when Calendar is active.
- 🐛 Afzal also made a few other Calendar-related fixes: dragging issues after scrolling horizontally in Calendar view, and over-active haptic feedback while dragging a task.
- 🐛 There was an issue with color pickers showing the wrong color. Not anymore. Thanks Prateek!
- 🐛 Afzal smoothed out the animation experience when flipping between views (like Today -> Upcoming).
- 🐛 Afzal’s been busy 🥳 … He also fixed an issue where tapping around Overdue button in the Calendar view changes the date, and a funky column issue when a day has no tasks scheduled.
- 🐛 Meanwhile, Sergey fixed a crash that was happening when pressing two quick dates at the same time. ✌️
- 🐛 Over on Apple, Enric fixed an issue that caused the app to go into an invalid state when a full sync happens while a project with the calendar 3-day layout is open.
- 🐛 Andris fixed the UI shown when adding tasks via Siri on iOS 18.
- ⭐ Also care of Andris, we’ve added custom designed tinted and dark icons for iOS 18. 😎
- ⚙️ Andris also made some tweaks to our new Control Center icons.
- 🐛 Hiroki fixed an issue where the Inbox “project” appears at the end when you group tasks by project in Today.
- ⚙️ Enric added support for a new warning to let you know when our servers are not reachable.
- 🐛 Enric also fixed a widget issue that’s been happening on iOS 17 since the release of iOS 18.
September 12, 2024
Web, macOS, Windows, Linux
- ⚙️ Francesca worked her magic in the calendar layout in Today and nudged tasks and events to the left, giving you more elbow room on the right to add new tasks.
- ⚙️ Henning and Frankie brought clear logic to our search results: completed tasks are now ordered by their completion date instead of being grouped by project.
- 🐛 The task action buttons decided to play ‘catch me if you can’ when you hovered over a task in the list layout. Game over – Craig caught them all.
- 🐛 Previously, empty projects with grouping enabled wouldn’t display an Add task button. This has now been fixed by Paweł.
- ⭐ Thanks to Pedro, tapping the Search button in the navigation bar twice now instantly focuses on the search input field and brings up the keyboard.
- ⭐️ Your custom templates now appear in the search results of the templates gallery, thanks to Carrie’s efforts.
- ⚙️ A default duration of 30 minutes is now set when dragging tasks from the All Day section to a time slot in the calendar, thanks to Afzal.
- ⚙️ Afzal also made some slight adjustments to the vertical spacing of the header in the calendar layout.
- ⚙️ If only time could stand still, but alas, it marches on. Thanks to Kris, the red line in the calendar now does too, updating every minute to show the current time.
- ⚙️ Sergey corrected the default sorting for groupings. Now, all groupings (except ‘Due day’) are sorted by priority by default.
- 🐛 A pesky bug in the scheduler causing crashes on phones has been expertly fixed, thanks to Olga and Sergey’s efforts.
- 🐛 Thanks to some timely adjustments by Kris, setting reminders is now working smoothly again on Android 12 and 12L.
- 🐛 Kris also brought back the #TodoistZero screen in Today, which wouldn’t display if you completed all tasks but still had calendar events showing. Welcome back, ‘butterfly lady’! 🦋
- 🐛 Sergey ensured that archived projects and tasks can’t be edited without being unarchived first.
- 🐛 Kris resolved an issue that was preventing notifications for the morning overview and evening review from showing for some users.
- ⚙️ Anthony added improved error messaging to widgets for situations when a project can’t be found.
- 🐛 Andris resolved an issue that was causing the app to crash when handling complex filter queries.
- 🐛 The ‘Get Projects’ action is once again working for Shortcuts, thanks to Andris’s efforts.
- He also fixed an issue where the app sometimes wouldn’t work correctly after using a shortcut, like crashing when trying to open a workspace.
September 5, 2024
Web, macOS, Windows, Linux
- ⭐️ Pedro made sure that you can now also select multiple completed sub-tasks in the task view.
- ⚙️ Ever selected several tasks and accidentally completed them? Now, thanks to Scott, you can easily undo the completion of multiple tasks at once. You need to be quick though, and click Undo in the pop-up that appears in the bottom right.
- ⚙️ When selecting multiple tasks to remove their due date, we will now also remove the automatically created reminders. No more leftovers, thanks to Henning. 🧹
- 🐛 Henning also made sure that when you get a desktop notification about a new project comment, we now actually take you to that comment.
- 🐛 Pedro fixed a temporary glitch that caused the sidebar and notifications text to revert to English instead of the language you set Todoist to.
- 🐛 He also fixed a bug that prevented users from logging in with their Apple account.
- 🐛 After loading all of your task’s comments from the task details view, it will no longer give you the option to “load older comments,” thanks to Frankie.
- ⚙️ With Afzal’s improvements to the task time indicator, it’s now easier to see where your task will land when you drag it over the calendar.
- ⚙️ Thanks to Prateek you can now see the uncompleted tasks when you look at an archived project.
- 🐛 Sergey fixed an issue that caused some glitchy behavior in Productivity settings.
- 🐛 Olga made a fix to prevent the app from crashing when brought back from the background.
- ⚙️ Witold did some tidying up and added a few cosmetic touch-ups to the calendar layout.
- ⚙️ While he was working on the calendar, he also tweaked the vertical spacing of the All day section and increased the text size of tasks and events.
- 🐛
ev mon, wed, fri
Hiroki made sure you can once again create recurring tasks by adding a comma to days, like - 🐛 When assigning a new task with a due time via Quick Add, the assignee will now receive a reminder if auto-reminders are enabled. All thanks to Nolan.
- ⭐️ Nolan also ensured you can now select and assign multiple tasks across projects in a team workspace.
- 🐛 Hiroki fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when opening the app from the Add Task widget.
- 🐛 With Hiroki’s help, smart date recognition is once again working properly in Chinese.
August 29, 2024
📣 New release – Plan your day with Calendar layout in Today 📅
Structuring your day is now easier (and more visually satisfying) than ever, with the new calendar layout in Today, courtesy of our Find out more.
Calendar squad.Web, macOS, Windows, Linux
- 🐛 You may have noticed your task lists sometimes getting stuck with loading placeholders. That’s now been fixed thanks to Pedro.
- 🐛 Francesca made it possible to scroll the list of tasks in the Calendar view’s “All Day” section in a popover.
- 🐛 Some Japanese characters were not being correctly identified as part of natural language match in the editor. A fix is live now care of Ricardo.
- ⚙️ Prateek spruced-up the login and sign up screens on tablets.
- 🐛 He also fixed a pesky bug that was causing crashes on phones and tablets.
- ⚙️ Afzal improved talkback support in Calendar view.
- ⚙️ Instead of running into a mysterious error, unverified users now get prompted to verify their account when they try to share a project. All thanks to Carrie.
- 🐛 Kris added a silent sync attempt on logout.
- 🐛 Anthony fixed an unpleasant experience where unverified users couldn’t share a project and had no explanation why.
- 🐛 Tapping the result of running the "Create Task" action in Shortcuts now opens the project/section where the task was added, instead of opening Quick Add. A smoother experience thanks to Enric.
- 🐛 Nolan fixed an issue so that after editing a label from the label filter view, the updated name is applied to all Tasks that contain that label and the list is refreshed to reflect the changes.
- 🐛 Thanks to Anthony, the mailto: prefix on email addresses pasted into the Project and Workspace Invite fields will get removed automatically, rather than showing you an error message.
- 🐛 Nolan made some minor UI improvements to the Large Home Screen widget, and aligned the section and row text.
- 🐛 Enric fixed an issue where rescheduling multiple tasks with a due date but no time to a date with time only updated the date.
- 🐛 Nolan added a Reschedule overdue tasks button to the large-size widget in the Overdue section header.
- 🐛 Witold corrected the initial viewport in the Week Layout to include the current time when it’s after 7 PM. Previously, the current time was not visible in the evening hours.
- ⭐ He also extended tasks rescheduling with drag and drop in Week layout to support new moves: all-day - all-day, timed - all-day. 🕺
- 🐛 Enric removed the “What’s new in Todoist” toast. 🥂
- 🐛 Nolan added a fix for bugginess in the autocompletion of multi-word Project names in Quick Add.
August 22, 2024
- 🐛 Afzal added the locked Calendar layout in the View options menu for free users and fixed a crash that happened when an external item was dragged into the Calendar layout.
- 🐛 Kris fixed a scrolling visualization issue that happened when opening comments.
- 🐛 Prateek made a very sensible fix: only show available teammates when assigning a task in a restricted project.
- 🐛 Seeing all the emoji reactions to your task comments is a must. Luckily Nolan squashed a bug where these were being truncated.
- 🐛 The autocompletion popup in comments when trying to mention someone was disappearing when moving the cursor. No more, thanks to Anthony.
- 🐛 When deleting a section, Nolan has fixed it so we’ll now show a confirmation message to make it clear that any completed tasks will also be deleted with the section.
- 🐛 Nolan also made it easier to see and edit the label that gets added to a new task automatically when you have tasks grouped by label in board layout. The label now shows in-line in the task name field, and sticks around when adding new tasks back-to-back using Quick Add.
- 🐛 Also in Quick Add land, Hiroki fixed an issue where tasks weren’t being auto-assigned when writing “+me”.
- 🐛 Anthony improved the appearance of the Overdue and No Date button in week layout when using large text sizes.
- 🐛 Witold fixed an issue where shared labels (dynamic labels) didn’t appear in search results or recents.
- 🐛 Hiroki added missing fallback support for English in the scheduler when using other languages.
- 🐛 Nolan made some tweaks to the Home Screen widget for Upcoming to hide date sections in the widget if you have no tasks scheduled.
- 🐛 Thanks to Enric, you can again use Siri to search tasks based on their due or creation date.
- 🐛 Since July, four of you reported a crash when rescheduling tasks in the 3-day/week layout. Long story short, Witold to the rescue! No more crash.
- 🐛 Widgets were not respecting the time format of the OS, always using the 24 hour time format. Until they met Enric, that is.
- 🐛 Witold also fixed some bugginess with the dragging preview of tasks in calendar.
- 🐛 Paul K. made an update to remove an obsolete data security warning that was shown when you moved a project from one workspace to another.
August 15, 2024
Web, macOS, Windows, Linux
- ⭐️ watch a quick demo. Ernesto added a way to see your current and upcoming tasks directly from the command menu! Head to YouTube to
- 🐛 Previously, multi-selecting tasks didn’t work properly after dragging a task to another project. Thanks to Paweł, this is fixed.
- ⭐ Afzal added support to drag a timed task to all day in Calendar.
- ⚙️ Afzal also made tasks snap to day columns while dragging in Calendar view.
- 🐛 Prateek fixed the settings screens’ background so transitions don’t feel glitchy.
- 🐛 Sergey adjusted the bottom padding in the Celebration screen for people updating to Pro.
- 🐛 Sergey also fixed an issue where non-capitalized weekday names were showing in some languages (French and Dutch).
- 🐛 Pedro fixed a section loading problem that happened after first batch is loaded.
- 🐛 Rasto reduced the maximum character count for descriptions from 16384 to 16383.
- 🐛 Julia made tweaks to not allow manual sorting in Today when grouping is enabled.
- 🐛 Afzal fix an issue where all-day tasks were too wide when first opening the 3-day Upcoming view.
- ⚙️ Carrie added stripping of the “mailto:” prefix automatically when sharing via email.
- 🐛 Kris fixed an issue where an “Up” button would lead people to a Project Not Found screen after they deleted a project.
- 🐛 Afzal fixed an issue in calendar where the wrong task would open after completion.
- 🐛 Hiroki fixed an issue with how attachments displayed when failing to upload.
- 🐛 Enric reduced the task description character limit from 16384 to 🥁 16383.
- 🐛 Tapping a comment cell to retry uploading an image caused unnecessary jumps, but not anymore thanks to Hiroki.
- 🐛 Nolan fixed an issue in Board layout: preserving the visible column when moving the last task in the "No Section" column to another column.
- 🐛 Thanks to Enric, the highlighted content in Quick Add is now updated when the theme changes while Quick Add is open.
- 🐛 Changing the preferred text size now causes the picture of a template’s creator to change size to match the text. A delightful fix by Paul.
- 🐛 Thanks to Enric, dictation will no longer stop after parsing a date on iOS 16 and up.
- 🐛 Witold fixed an issue preventing users from rescheduling tasks using drag and drop in the Week layout on iOS 16.0-16.1.
- 🐛 Enric corrected an error, where users with a free account were able to create absolute reminders.
August 8, 2024
Web, macOS, Windows, Linux
- ⭐️ Thanks to Francesca, you can now select and delete multiple completed tasks at once.
- ⭐️ Plans change, so Afzal made it easier for you to adjust your schedule in the 🗓️ calendar layout: You can now drag a timed task to the All Day section to remove its due time and duration.
- ⚙️ He also made some improvements to make dragging tasks in the calendar a much smoother experience.
- 🐛
shortcut no longer adds a second reminder by mistake. ⏰
Sergey worked on reminders and fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when creating location reminders. Then, he made sure that the
- 🐛 Nolan ensured that Quick Add doesn’t lose track of time when left open overnight. Now, when the clock strikes midnight, the date picker updates automatically. 🕛
- ⭐️ Tap on Apply My Template in the project menu, and you’ll now see a button to browse all your templates in the gallery, courtesy of Paul K.
- 🐛 Anthony fixed an issue where task count didn’t update when rescheduling overdue tasks in Today view.
- 🐛 Thanks to Hiroki, you can now move tasks out of sections in a project.
- 🗓️
- ⭐️ First, he added support for rescheduling all-day tasks with drag and drop: drag them to the calendar to give them a designated time slot. Note that you can’t yet remove due times by dragging tasks to the All Day section, but rest assured, it’s on Witold’s list!
- ⚙️ He then continued tinkering with the All Day section, making the toggling via buttons (
arrows andx more
) snappier, and horizontal scrolling a lot smoother while expanded. - 🐛 His final act of the week was to make sure that automatic reminders are instantly added when creating a task by long-pressing on the calendar.
Witold had another productive week working on the Calendar:
August 1, 2024
Web, macOS, Windows, Linux
- 🐛 Scott fixed it so that automatic reminders aren’t accidentally omitted when adding a task via the Calendar View.
- 🐛 Henning fixed downloads in the desktop app for your backups. 📦 Now there’s no need to use the browser app anymore.
- 🐛 Though it’s rare, he also removed the slight possibility of accidentally creating duplicate labels. 🔖🔖
- 🐛 Julia solved a very strange and Grinch-like bug: the name of the month December wasn’t showing up in the calendar headers. But fear not, Santa’s made his list in Todoist and has checked it twice – he’s in the double-completion feature alpha testing group – so everything’s back as it should be.
- 🐛 Rasto fixed a rare-but-annoying issue where a crash sometimes happened when adding a file as a task (specifically related to Google Photos).
- 🐛 Olga made sure that your calendar toggles don’t get bumped aside by long calendar names.
- 🐛 Afzal made your checkmark animations more consistent in Wear OS and Team activity contexts. It’s the little things!
- 🗓️ Witold added support for assistive technologies to the expandable date picker and enabled it for all users. Because the awesomeness of Calendar layout is for everyone!
- 🐛 And because new layouts always need a bit of polishing, he also fixed several issues related to the agenda layout in the Upcoming view (specifically addressing those nasty list-jump problems).
- 🐛 On a similar theme, Hiroki implemented the ability to move an item between day sections in calendar layout of non-Upcoming views (like Project view).
- 🐛 Nolan ensured that from now on, widgets will actually show tasks in their custom grouping, whenever such a custom grouping in selected (in the View settings). Logical!
July 25, 2024
- 🐛
- Completed items can now be uncompleted. ✅
- Randomly appearing "ghost tasks" 👻 should now be doing their haunting elsewhere.
- Task counts can now display 3-digits without getting cut off. But maybe you need an assistant? 😊
Afzal tackled a series of issues with Wear OS:
- 🐛
- On Wear OS, rescheduling a task no longer risks clearing its labels. Whew!
- Refreshing calendar events shouldn’t get stuck anymore, blocking use of the app.
Sergey fixed two schedule-related issues:
- 🐛 Carrie used her eagle eye to correct some misalignments, like a circle around the date in 📅 that was slightly too small. Because these little details matter in helping you stay focused on what’s important to you!
- 🐛 Pedro fixed an issue where events could be duplicated upon rescheduling... because you already have enough on your plate. 😉
- 🗓️
- ⭐️ First, a big improvement to our Week layout: you can now see all of your undated tasks using the dedicated "No date" button, in Project, Filter, and Label views. Click it to open the sidebar and drag your tasks right to the slot you want, and time-block your week with confidence! 💪
- 🐛 Then, he made sure the overdue items in Upcoming view are all viewable, rather than just recent ones.
- He also balanced some of the spacing in the Calendar layout to keep things looking spiffy.
Witold kept quite busy improving our Calendar:
- ⚙️ First, he improved the way preset labels work with Quick Add – now they’re added to the text field so you can delete them if you like.
- Then he made it easier to select the proper item from the suggested list in those cases where assignees or sections have the same name.
- But wait, there’s more: now you can use the short date format (jan, feb, etc.) to add a starting month to a recurring task (ex. "every 15th starting feb").
- Finally, he added a space after you swipe to input the date, so your date is captured properly.
- Then, as a bonus, he fixed a counting error in sections that was happening when filters were applied. 🙂
Nolan came through with a bounty of Quick Add updates:
July 18, 2024
Web, macOS, Windows, Linux
- 🐛 Frankie fixed an issue where keyboard shortcuts were erroneously disabled when certain hints and dialogs are shown.
- 🐛
- One to ensure that events display correctly, even in "negative" timezones (i.e. those behind UTC)
- And one to make sure multi-day all-day events have the proper ending date.
Francesca fixed two calendar issues:
- ⭐ First, he enabled you to allow dragging an all-day task down to a time slot in Calendar layout.
- 🐛 Then, he made a few fixes to ensure your snackbars (those little mini-notifications that allow you to undo stuff) were both swipeable - if you want to get rid of them quickly – and fully functional, as a bug was messing with them.
- 🐛 Finally, he
Afzal’s been holding down the fort and staying busy!