Collaborate with friends and family in Todoist

Available for

  • Beginner
  • Pro
  • Business

Need somewhere to plan a big party with a friend, share a grocery list with your spouse, or assign chores to your kids? Try sharing your project with them!

Quick tip

Are you collaborating with colleagues in Todoist? Create a workspace, and collaborate with your team.

Share your project

Everyone you share your project with will have full access to all of the information, like tasks, comments, and uploaded files. They can add new tasks, assign tasks, complete tasks, add comments, and upload new files to the project.

  1. Right-click the project and select Share.
  2. Type in the name or email address of the person you want to share with. If the person you're inviting doesn't have a Todoist account, they’ll receive a project invite email with the option to set up a free account.
  3. Click Invite to send the invitation(s).

Share a parent project

If you share a parent project with someone, they won't automatically have access to its sub-projects. You will instead need to invite them to each sub-project.

Assign a task

Assign an existing task

  1. In any shared project, click the assign icon to the right of the task name.
  2. Select the person's name from the drop-down menu.

Quick tip

You can assign multiple tasks at once.

Assign a new task

  1. Open any shared project and click + Add task.
  2. Write out the task name and type the + symbol followed by their name.
  3. Select the person's name from the drop-down menu.

Quick tip

Did you know you can set a reminder for someone else? Here is how!

Remove someone from your shared project

  1. Right-click the project.
  2. Select Share from the menu.
  3. Hover over a user's name you want to remove.
  4. Click the trash can icon next to their name.


Can I assign the same task to multiple people?

It's not possible to assign one task to multiple people. Check out this article to learn more about why this is and some workarounds.

Can I assign a task to myself?

Yes, but only in a shared project. 

I can't find the person I want to assign a task to in the assignee list. What should I do?

Please note that you'll need to share the project with that person before you assign them a task. If you've not already shared the project, the person will not show up on your assignee list.